SAVANNAH, Ga. – Savannah is once again looking into the possibility of becoming a cruise ship destination.
Cruise ships could bring thousands of short-term visitors to Savannah. A maritime lobbying group studied the cruise ship idea five years ago and presented it to city officials.
At that time, the idea met with a big thud.
Now interest appears to be coming from political leaders and after rival Charleston got a cruise ship.
One hurdle the idea faces is money.
It could cost big to make Savannah’s waterfront suitable for cruise ships.
City Council member Tony Thomas says, the cost would be more than offset by new tax dollars from short-term visitors.
“When you look at the potential of thousands of people coming to the city, I think all that adds up to entrepreneurial business and job creation,” says Thomas.
Savannah has spent millions in recent years trying to attract longer-term visitors, people who stay for more than a day or a few hours.
Thomas says, the cruise ship idea doesn’t run counter to that effort since cruise passengers often return later.
Source: Georgia Public Broadcasting, Orlando Montoya