Bonnie Quill, Executive Director, Matanuska-Susitna Convention and Visitors Bureau (Mat-Su CVB).
Name: Bonnie Quill.
Title: Executive Director, Matanuska-Susitna Convention and Visitors Bureau (Mat-Su CVB)
Briefly describe business: Mat-Su CVB is the destination marketing organization for the Matanuska-Susitna Borough. We receive 65 percent of the borough’s 5 percent bed tax to finance a marketing plan to bring more visitors to our region. We focus a lot on in-state marketing as well as the independent cruise passengers.
When did you first become involved in the visitor industry? Twenty-five years ago with MarkAir.
How did you get your start with the cruise industry? After MarkAir, I worked for Princess Tours for nine years as a manager of passenger services for the rail division.
What’s the best part of your job? My awesome and creative staff makes coming to work and promoting the Mat-Su fun and easy.
What’s your favorite cruise passenger story? We get a lot of independent cruisers who stop at our visitor’s center, discover how many different attractions there are to see here and bemoan the fact they don’t have time to stay longer. I truly enjoy sharing that experience every day with outside visitors.
What should Alaska do to better support/protect the visitor/cruise industry? There really needs to be more education. People need to understand the impacts that the cruise passengers bring to our economy. We really benefit so much from the cruise industry.