Do you have any special programs or events cruise passengers can attend while they are in Anchorage?
Throughout the summer, the zoo offers Discovery Tours, Tuesday night lectures and Friday live music. My favorite activity at the zoo is tending to the orphaned wildlife, which are available for public viewing when appropriate.
How is the Alaska Zoo impacted by the cruise industry?
Approximately 40 percent of our adult visitors are non-residents of Alaska. The zoo is a popular destination for cruisers. Our free shuttle from downtown makes the zoo easily accessible for tourists.
How have you been preparing for this upcoming cruise season and summer?
We train tour guides, hire additional staff and schedule programs, guest speakers and musicians. To stay active in and knowledgeable about our community, the zoo belongs to organizations such as Visit Anchorage and ATIA. We also provide complementary tours of the zoo for visiting travel agents.
How can Alaska businesses show their support for the cruise industry?
Businesses should provide quality venues and information to our visitors so that their trip to Alaska is exceptional. Then tourists will have an experience they are compelled to tell others about. In turn, this will help the cruise industry.