Juneau Gastineu Channel

The planning horizon for visitors to Alaska has shrunk.

That was one of the surprises for Travel Juneau, which recently released the Juneau Visitor Profile (Summer 2016). Travel Juneau contracted the McDowell Group to analyze data collected from the latest statewide Alaska Visitor Statistics Program (AVSP) to provide a snapshot of visitors’ decision-making, satisfaction with destinations and spending, among other items. The document provided new insight.

On average, cruise visitors to Juneau took 8.8 months to decide to come to Alaska, while independent visitors to Juneau decided in 5.3 months. Additionally, cruise visitors booked major travel 6.6 months in advance, while independent travelers booked only 3.1 months in advance.

“Travel Juneau will use this first-round data to refine marketing efforts to independent travelers,” said Travel Juneau President and CEO Liz Perry. “For example, while the majority of our visitors arrive from the Western United States, we see untapped potential in other areas of the United States, including the South.”

Travel Juneau will conduct a Juneau-focused survey during the 2018 summer season, which will include Alaska residents (unlike the statewide survey). Additionally, the organization has contracted the McDowell Group for a winter survey directed at meeting planners and attendees to more accurately gauge their site-selection process and spending habits. That data will be used to generate a fresh calculation of a meeting’s estimated economic impact to Juneau.


Source: Travel Juneau

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